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Webinar: Navigating European Funding: A Roadmap for Startups

(Data i czas/Date & Time):
17/07/2024  13:00 - 14:00
HPK Polska Zachodnia, Poznański Park Naukowo-Technologiczny

During the third webinar of the Ready2Scale StartUp Academy series, we will explore various opportunities created by European funds for the development of deeptech and digital startups. The session will be led by Sander van der Molen, a highly experienced expert in securing funding for company growth. While the last two webinars focused on EIC opportunities, this time we will delve into other funding opportunities, support programs, and eligibility criteria to propel startups forward. The final part of the meeting will be dedicated to a Q&A session.

Format: Webinar, MS Teams

Event Date: July 17, 2024, 13:00

Sander van der Molen has extensive experience in mentoring startups, obtaining European grants, and collaborating with large companies. As a partner at Civitta and a consultant with over 15 years of experience in innovation, R&D, and commercialization, he combines exceptional knowledge of business strategies and acquiring international grant projects. Leading a team focused on identifying grant opportunities for clients in Lithuania and Europe, he aims to fund research, development, and business growth. His efforts have secured over 50 million EUR for clients from Lithuanian Structural Funds and European grant programs.

We warmly invite you to join us on July 17th at 1 PM CEST for this webinar, where you can learn which European funding might be most suitable for the development of your company.

Contact: Michał Wujewski, Poznan Science and Technology Park

M +48 694 624 063, E


The event is organized as part of the Ready2Scale project:

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