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Information Day and Practical Workshop on the use of the “Hop On Facility” tool (Horizon Europe, WIDERA Work Programme)

Dear all,

You still haven’t won a Horizon Europe project? And you are interested in learning how to participate in Research and Innovation Horizon Europe projects? So, maybe, you need first to join a successful research project in HE?

The National Contact Point invites you to participate in the Information Day and Practical Workshop on the use of the “Hop On Facility” tool (Horizon Europe, WIDERA Work Programme, HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-06-01), which will be held on June 11, 2024 at 10:00 CEST online.

Working language of the event – English.

During the Info Day and Workshop, we will talk about the rules and conditions of Hop On, methods of searching for projects under HE Pillar 2 and the EIC Pathfinder Scheme. We will also talk about the results of the previous calls.

Participants of this event will get acquainted with two successful Polish Hop On projects, represented by the new Polish participants, as well as the project coordinators! The relationship between the consortium and the new Widening applicant, negotiations, preparation of the proposal, signing of amendments to the GA, etc. will be presented from two sides: the coordinator and the Polish partner.

And, by all means, we will answer participants’ questions!

The Info Day and Workshop agenda.

You are welcome to join us!


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